What We Don’t Understand About Head Injuries and How It’s Hurting TBI VictimsEvery year in the United States, there are approximately seven million head injuries. Nearly all of these — an estimated 94.5% — are…Jun 27, 202413Jun 27, 202413
Life-Saving Necessity or Human Rights Violation: The Shadow Side of Involuntary Mental Health…“….By their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”Jun 11, 20247Jun 11, 20247
What I Learned Reading “Eat Clean, Play Dirty”A book dedicated to a healthy lifestyle by the Founders of Sakara, a plant-based meal delivery program.May 16, 202414May 16, 202414
6 Times the Eastern Shore Treated Women Horribly in Pre-Antebellum AmericaDue to its geographic formation, the Delmarva Peninsula fought the Revolutionary War a year after it had ended in Yorktown, VA on October…Apr 29, 20246Apr 29, 20246
Adrienne Rich: Poet Profile & BiographyAdrienne Rich was born in Baltimore “white and middle-class” to a house full of books. Her father encouraged her to read and write, as she…Apr 25, 20241Apr 25, 20241
Astrologer in Astronomy LabKepler’s Laws and the Physics of Radar don’t explain the planetary alignment that forced me to meet youApr 23, 2024Apr 23, 2024
Speaking Points for a Debate: “Leave No Trace”The unfortunate stance of creating points against “Leave No Trace” in a hypothetical debate.Apr 23, 20245Apr 23, 20245
Environmental DiaryA collection of daily journal prompts inspired by a time capsule lens of media reportings from 2010.Apr 23, 202412Apr 23, 202412
The Role of Family on Social Function and Mood“Enmeshed” families lambasted by cold-hearted data from privileged liberal arts schoolApr 23, 2024Apr 23, 2024
Lukewarm Analysis of 10 Global Warming Articles, Blogs and Videos from the Obama Administration EraFrom Larry King Live to a research publication of Boykoff “Balance as Bias”Apr 23, 2024Apr 23, 2024